姓名: 赵金奇
性别: 男
籍贯: 湖北襄阳
民族: 汉族
学历: 博士研究生
学位: 博士
职称: 副教授
Email: [email protected]
l 教育与学历
2018.07-2021.07 |
重点资助博士后 |
武汉大学 |
2015.09-2018.06 |
摄影测量与遥感博士 |
武汉大学 |
2017.01-2018.01 |
国家公派联合培养博士 |
Southern Methodist University,美国 |
2012.09-2014.06 |
软件工程硕士 |
武汉大学 |
l 工作经历
Ø 2021.09-至今 成人直播app-成人直播免费
Ø 2018.11-2021.08 武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室助理研究员
l 期刊论文
[1] Shi, Hongtao; Zhao, Lingli; Yang, Jie; Lopez-Sanchez, Juan Manuel; Zhao, Jinqi; et.al, "Soil Moisture Retrieval over Agricultural Fields from L-band Multi-incidence and Multitemporal PolSAR Observations Using Polarimetric Decomposition Techniques. " Remote Sensing of Environment, 2021, 261, 112485.
[2] Geng, Xiaomeng; Shi, Lei; Yang, Jie; Li, Pingxiang; Zhao, Lingli; Sun, Weidong; Zhao, Jinqi. "Ship Detection and Feature Visualization Analysis Based on Lightweight CNN in VH and VV Polarization Images. " Remote Sensing, 2021, 13(6):1184.
[3] Yang, Le; Shi, Lei; Yang, Jie; Li, Pingxiang; Zhao, Lingli; Zhao, Jinqi. " PolSAR additive noise estimation based on shadow regions. " International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2021.
[4] Shi, Hongtao; Lopez-Sanchez, Juan Manuel; Yang, Jie; Li, Pingxiang; Zhao, Lingli; Zhao, Jinqi."Contribution of Polarimetry and Multi-Incidence to Soil Moisture Estimation Over Agricultural Fields Based on Time Series of L -Band SAR Data." IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2021, 14, 300–313.
[1] Zhao, Jinqi; Chang, Yonglei; Yang, Jie; Niu, Yufen; Lu, Zhong; Li, Pingxiang. "A Novel Change Detection Method Based on Statistical Distribution Characteristics Using Multi-Temporal PolSAR Data." Sensors, 2020; 20(5): 1508.
[1] 赵金奇. "多时相极化SAR影像变化检测方法研究." 测绘学报, 2019, 48(4): 536.
[2] Shi, Hongtao; Yang, Jie; Li, Pingxiang; Zhao, Lingli; Liu, Zhiqu; Zhao Jinqi; et al. "Soil Moisture Estimation Using Two-Component Decomposition and a Hybrid X-Bragg/Fresnel Scattering Model." Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 574: 646-659.
[1] Zhao, Jinqi; Niu, Yufen; Lu, Zhong; Yang, Jie; Li, Pingxiang; Liu, Wensong; et al. “Applicability Assessment of UAVSAR Data in Wetland Monitoring: A Case Study of Louisiana Wetland.” ISPRS-International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2018; 42(3): 2375-2378.
[2] Liu, Wensong; Yang, Jie; Zhao, Jinqi; et al. "An Unsupervised Change Detection Method Using Time-Series of PolSAR Images from Radarsat-2 and GaoFen-3." Sensors, 2018, 18(2): 559.
[3] Liu, Wensong; Yang, Jie; Zhao, Jinqi; et al. "A Novel Method of Unsupervised Change Detection Using Multi-Temporal PolSAR Images." Remote Sensing, 2018, 9(11): 1135.
[4] Chang, Yonglei; Li, Pingxiang; Yang, Jie; Zhao, Jinqi; et al. "Polarimetric Calibration and Quality Assessment of the GF-3 Satellite Images." Sensors, 2018, 18(2): 403.
[5] Liu, Wensong; Yang, Jie; Li, Pingxiang; Han Yue; Zhao, Jinqi; et al.” A Novel Object-Based Supervised Classification Method with Active Learning and Random Forest for PolSAR Imagery.” Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(7): 1092.
[6] Yi, Huiguo; Yang, Jie; Li, Pingxiang; Shi, Lei; Sun, Weidong; Zhao, Jinqi; et al. "A PolSAR Image Speckle Filtering Method Preserving Point Targets and Dominant Scattering Mechanisms." International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2018, 39(19): 6061-6075.
[7] Liu, Wensong; Yang, Jie; Zhao, Jinqi; et al. “A Method of Time-Series Change Detection Using Full PolSAR Images from Different Sensors.” ISPRS-International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2018; 42(3): 1127-1133.
[1] Zhao, Jinqi; Yang, Jie; Lu, Zhong; Li, Pingxiang; et al. "An Unsupervised Method of Change Detection in Multi-Temporal PolSAR Data Using a Test Statistic and an Improved K&I Algorithm." Applied Sciences, 2017; 7(12): 1297.
[2] Zhao, Jinqi; Yang, Jie; Lu, Zhong; Li, Pingxiang; et al. "A Novel Method of Change Detection in Bi-Temporal PolSAR Data Using a Joint-Classification Classifier Based on a Similarity Measure." Remote Sensing, 2017; 9(8): 846.
[3] 赵金奇,杨杰,李平湘,等."改进剖面匹配和EKF对SAR影像道路半自动提取." 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2017; 42(8): 1144-1150.
[4] Zhao, Jinqi; Yang, Jie; Lu, Zhong; Li, Pingxiang; et al. “Change Detection Based on Similarity Measure and Joint Classification for Polarimetric SAR Images.” IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2017: 1896-1899.
[5] Zhao, Lingli; Yang, Jie; Li, Pingxiang; Zhao, Jinqi; et al. “Detection of the Lodged Area of Wheat by the Use of Radarsat-2 Polarimetric SAR Imagery." IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2017: 4366-4369.
[1] Zhao, Jinqi; Yang, Jie; Li, Pingxiang; Liu, Mengyun; et al. “An Unsupervised Change Detection Based on Test Statistic and KI from Multi-Temporal and Full Polarimetric SAR Images." ISPRS-International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2016; 41: 611-615.
[2] Zhao, Lingli; Yang, Jie; Li, Pingxiang; Zhao, Jinqi; et al. "Characterization of the Periodic Surface in Agricuture by the Use of Polarimetric Signatures." IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2016: 7153-7156.
[3] Ai, Haojun; Liu, Mengyun; Shi, Yuming; Zhao, Jinqi; et al. “Floor Identification with Commercial Smartphones in Wifi-Based Indoor Localization System." ISPRS-International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2016, 41: 573-577.
[1] Zhao, Jinqi; Yang, Jie; Li, Pingxiang and Lu, Jiaming. "Semi-automatic Road Extraction from SAR Images Using EKF and PF." ISPRS-International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2015; 42(8): 1144-1150.
l 项目(2015-2021)
1. 联合PolSAR和InSAR的湿地变化监测研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持。
2. 协同极化信息的时序InSAR地质灾害监测优化研究,省部级项目-武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室,主持。
3. 基于深度特征优选的时序SAR变化监测研究,省部级项目-江苏省资源环境信息工程重点实验室,主持。
4. 基于融合SAR技术的武汉湖泊湿地动态变化监测研究,省部级项目-湖北省人力资源和社会保障厅,主持。
5. 利用相似度优化和集成学习的联合分类变化检测方法研究,省部级项目-自然资源部地球观测与时空信息科学重点实验室,主持。
6. 基于贝叶斯理论SAR影像道路半自动提取研究,省部级项目-城市空间信息工程北京市国家重点实验室,主持。
l 专利(2015-2021)
[1] “一种联合分类的多时相全极化SAR影像变化检测方法”发明型专利,中华人民共和国,专利号:ZL201710454060.4,排序1,已授权。
[2] “一种基于时间序列PolSAR影像的土地覆盖类型变化检测方法”发明专利,中华人民共和国,专利号:ZL201910583151.7,排序4,已授权。
[3] “一种适用于多种尺度的舰船目标定位检测方法与系统”发明型专利,中华人民共和国,专利号:ZL202011298148.X,排序6,已授权。
[4] “微小型全极化SAR地物提取系统” 计算机软件著作权, 中国人民共和国,登记号:2016SR208539,排序4,已授权。
l 学术兼职
国际IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Remote Sensing和IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing学术论文期刊审稿人。