报告人:严网林教授日本庆应义塾大学(Keio University)
报告人简介:Dr. Wanglin YAN is a professor, Faculty of Environmental Information Studies, Head of Program for Environmental Innovators, former Vice Dean of Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, Japan. He graduated at Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping and received thePh.D. degree at the Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo. His research fields cover Geo-informatics for urban and regional planning, Sustainable Development, Resilient Cities etc. Dr. Yan is a board member of Geographic Information System Association, and scientific committee member of Geographic Survey Institute of Japan. He is the international consortium leader of the Project “the Moveable Nexus: Design-led Urban Food-Energy-Water Management Innovation in New Condition of Cities”, granted by Belmont Forum on Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative–Food-Water-Energy Nexus.
严网林,日本庆应义塾大学环境信息学院教授,政策传媒研究科前副院长,环境设计与治理专业主任。武汉测绘科技大学学士学位,日本东京大学硕士,博士学位。主要研究领域包括城市和区域环境地理信息、可持续发展、城市环境分析、弹性城市的规划和设计。地理信息系统学会理事,日本环境共生学会常务理事,日本国土地理院学术委员会委员。最近严教授负责Belmont Forum国际合作研究项目“移动连环:设计先导型城市粮食-能源-水管理的革新”(Belmont Forum全球可持续城市化研究计划)。
报告摘要:Coal production occupies huge amount of land and water resources and induces large impact on food production and local ecosystems. Reduction of coal production and consumption could not only contribute to climate change mitigation but also saving of water and land resources for food production. This cannot happen without cross sectoral cooperation. This speech introduces the concept of nexus thinking and apply to coal mining industry and energy consumption through the lens of energy-water-food nexus for sustainable development.
煤炭开采占用大量的土地和水资源,由此给粮食生产和当地生态系统带来重大影响。减少煤炭生产和消费不仅有利于减缓全球变暖,还可以改变土地和水资源的利用方式。为此需要跨学科,跨领域的交流和研究。本报告通过能源-水-粮食的连环,思考煤炭生产中的能源-水-粮食的相互关系, 探讨可持续的能源生产和消费的未来模式。