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发布时间:2018-12-20   浏览次数:
报告人 职称

报告题目:Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical Coupled Simulation in Discrete Fracture Network


报告地点:成人直播app A512

报告人: Dr. Quan Gan

报告简介(Abstract): We present a model coupling stress and fluid flow in a discontinuous fractured mass represented as a continuum by coupling the continuum simulator Tough-FLAC3D with cell-by-cell discontinuum laws for deformation and flow. Both equivalent medium crack and permeability tensor approaches are employed to characterize pre-existing discrete fractures. The advantage of this approach is that it allows the creation of fracture networks within the reservoir without any dependence on fracture geometry or gridding. The model is validated against thermal depletion around a single stressed fracture embedded within an infinite porous medium that cuts multiple grid blocks. Comparison of the evolution of aperture against the results from other simulators confirms the correctness of incorporated constitutive model accommodating stress-dependent aperture under different stress states, including normal closure, shear dilation, and for fracture walls out of contact under tensile loading. The induced thermal unloading effect yields larger aperture during non-isothermal cold injection condition. The model is applied to a discrete fracture network to follow the evolution of permeability and stimulation influence. A stimulation then heat production optimization strategy is presented for prototypical EGS geothermal reservoirs by comparing conventional stimulation-then-production scenarios against revised stimulation schedules. For a given reservoir with a pre-existing fracture network, two parallel manifolds are stimulated that are analogous to horizontal wells that allow a uniform sweep of fluids between the zones. The enhanced connectivity that develops between the injection zone and the production zone significantly enhances the heat sweep efficiency, while simultaneously increasing the fluid flux rate at the production well.

报告人简介:Quan Gan(甘泉)博士就职于英国阿伯丁大学地球科学学院,任Director of Petrophysics & Formation Evaluation Program。长期从事多孔介质地层的流固耦合数值模拟的研究工作, 相关成果在JGRJPSE, Geothermics, IJRMMS等国际著名期刊上发表,并在非常规能源气藏模拟、地热开发模拟、地下水保护领域进行了广泛应用,在地热开发、碳酸盐岩油藏开发、煤矿地下环境与开采安全问题、数字岩心-多尺度等方面主持并参与了多项目英国、欧盟、中国等政府间合作以及企业资助项目。

