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发布时间:2019-07-01   浏览次数:
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报告题目Study of atmospheric aerosol properties in the Vipava valley

报告人:王龙龙博士,University of Nova Gorica大学博士后


         Dr. Longlong Wang (longlong.wang@ung,si) is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Center for Atmospheric Research at the University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia and visiting researcher at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain. He received his Ph.D. degree in in Physics from the University of Nova Gorica in 2018. His research interests are mainly in the areas of valley air pollution, aerosol identification and atmosphericdynamics, also related to the development and applications of lidar systems. His current researchinterests focus on aerosol loading distributions and characterizations as well as othermeteorological studies (e.g. planetary boundary layer turbulences) over a complex terrain usingthe case of Vipava valley. The main experimental tool, designed and built as a part of his study, is a multi-wavelength polarization Raman lidar, which provides the vertical distribution of aerosol properties with complementary in-situoptical properties provided by a OPC and a aethalometer at near ground level. Also the other partof research is to develop the Raman Lidar systems for measuring the aerosol optical depth verticalprofile in high energy cosmic ray experiments (the Cherenkov Telescope Array in La Palma,Spain). He presented his results ata number of scientific conferences and published five SCI papers, whilethree more papers are being submitted. He served as a journal referee for Remote Sensing.